On 29/04/2009, at 5:30 AM, Harald Firing Karlsen wrote:
Please check out the following link with some information/statistics from a LAN-party taking place in Norway (yeah, Norway is in Europe, not North America, but it stills give an overview): http://technet.gathering.org/?p=121
There were over 5000 computers in the arena and of those 47% had a valid and working IPv6 address. They was also provided with IPv4 and no NAT at all. The only ports being closed outbound was 25, 135-139 and 445. Google over IPv6 was enabled for the event as well, so a lot of the traffic was towards google.
Did you have any problems that you encountered? Poorly behaving IPv6 stacks, rogue RA+SLAAC/DHCPv6, etc.? Do you have any netflow logs from the event? -- Nathan Ward