On 1/29/13 3:50 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
It is in fact important for a government (municipal, state/privince or federal) to stay at a last mile layer 2 service with no retail offering. Wholesale only.
That reminds me, the City of Eugene is interviewing for a CTO. I think the City could and should populate its rights of way (Eugene's public utility delivers water and power to residential customers) with physical media.
Not only is the last mile competitively neutral because it is not involved in retail, but it them invites competition by allowing many service providers to provide retail services over the last mile network.
My guess is that if the offering to use municipal transport was made to any access provider except those franchise incumbents (Comcast for ip/cdn, Verizon, ip/ss7), they would sue, under some equity theory or another, so the "last mile competitively neutral" really means the City is paying to do a buildout the local duopoly franchies won't, and the equity to access providers will be limited to the City owned infrastructure, not the infrastructure the duopolies have built out in the past under City granted franchise. Well, got to read some pleadings and FCC filings related to Oregon law and municipal authority to impose rights-of-way ("ROW") compensation and management. Eric