On 3/18/2010 11:00, Brandon Kim wrote:
That was pretty quick.
But what do you mean by spewing stuff? It would help the rest of us understand for possible future issues we may run into ourselves.....
Good question. Without thinking about it I saw in my mind's eye a situation we used to see at $EX-EMPLOYER (who was fond of the absolute smallest-dollar-amount-per-immediate-problem "solutions") who bout toy 4-port hubs by the pallet-load. These little gems had the endearing habit of spewing random bits onto the wire whenever the wall-wart failed--which they frequently did. I had MRTG graphs of every switch and router port so I could quickly determine which leg the current culprit was on. Never solved the problem of having two or three go bad, which, believe it or not, complicates the issue. But the graphs did allow me to identify the port and shut it down saving the rest of the network.
Subject: Re: Latency quesstion From: dennis-lists@thenose.net Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:50:20 -0500 To: nanog@nanog.org
Found a MAC address spewing stuff. looks like we have our culprit. thanks EVERYONE!
On Mar 18, 2010, at 9:56 AM, Dennis Dayman wrote:
have a friend who has 21 floors of a building in DFW, multiple switches, etc and they started to have latency issues this weekend where half if not all packet are being dropped to folder shares, printers, etc. Suggestions on how they can troubleshoot that? call in a company to help identify it?
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