Subject: Re: AWS Elastic IP architecture Date: Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 01:16:03PM -0400 Quoting Christopher Morrow (morrowc.lists@gmail.com):
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 5:11 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
I’d argue that SSH is several thousand, not a few hundred. In any case, I suppose you can make the argument that only a few people are trying to access their home network resources remotely other than via some sort of proxy/rendezvous service. However, I would argue that such services exist solely to provide a workaround for the deficiencies in the network introduced by NAT. Get rid of the stupid NAT and you no longer need such services.
This is an interesting argument/point, but if you remove the rendevous service then how do you find the thing in your house? now the user has to manage DNS, or the service in question has to manage a dns entry for the customer, right?
Or something.
you'll be moving the (some of the) pain from 'nat' to 'dns' (or more generally naming and identification). I think though that in a better world, a service related to the thing you want to prod from outside would manage this stuff for you.
It's important (I think) to not simplify the discussion as: "Oh, with ipv6 magic happens!" because there are still problems and design things to overcome even with unhindered end-to-end connectivity.
You have successfully demonstrated that users will need some locating service. More so with the cure-all IPv6; because remembering hex is hard for People(tm). You have, however, not shown that all the possible ways of building a locating service that become available once the end-points are uniquely reachable (and thus, as long as we're OK with finding just the right host, identifyable) present an equal level of suckage. I believe that while the work indeed can be daunting for a sufficiently pessimal selection of users, the situation so improves (if we look at simplicity of protocol design and resulting fragility) when the end-points can ignore any middleboxes that the net result, measured as inconvenicence imposed on a standard End User, will improve. -- Måns Nilsson primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina MN-1334-RIPE +46 705 989668 Why is everything made of Lycra Spandex?