If you were in a position where you did NOT have your own previously allocated swamp/b/a space, you wanted to multihome to a few different providers in such a way that you were globally reachable no matter who went offline and you only needed a /24 or less, what would you do?
haven't thought about it for a while, but ... probably rethink my requirements a bit. my small experiences running a site or two lead me to think physical diversity in the local loop is by far my biggest concern, like ten to one or worse over a provider problem. and then, almost all the provider problems i can remember my site having were a router needing geritol or, quite rarely, a pop going bad. i have not had a whole isp go out from under me since the bad old days. but i have tried to stay with reliable providers. so i might seriously consider dual homing to separate pops of a single very reliable isp, and concentrating my energy on physical diversity of the local loop. if i really felt the need for multiple providers, i might do a double nat, but with full 1:1 mapping, i.e. pure address aliasing, not space compression. of course, some persistent connections would be lost in the case of a link failure. but insurance against very rare cases is ok if the expense is incurred on the rare case. randy