Vixie, Conrad, Manning, Woodcock, Curran, Plzak, Ed Lewis, etc all worked together at ARIN, and have had 22 ARIN employees attend NANOG, including the ARIN executive secretary. ARIN is giving NANOG $50,000 checks, even though the Board members have undisclosed conflicts of interest. ARIN resource analysts have (and probably are now) attending NANOG. The resource analysts are the guys who make allocation decisions, so getting chummy with NANOG people is a conflict of interest in the making. So far, I've discovered two cases where ARIN has made allocations in 2 hours.
Didn't you get banned temporarily from this list, then banned for life + 5 years, your children and grandchildren also banned for their lives + 5 years once before for all this?
I was never temporarilly banned. I was banned in 2000 so that I couldn't gloat that the CFAA applied to ISPs. See http://www.iadl.org/nanog/nanog-story.html
Looks like someone messed up. ;-)
Well, yes and no........... I actually was thinking of the ARIN list that you had the temporary ban on : http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-discuss/2008-February/000897.html and then the permanent ban : http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-discuss/2008-June/001058.html as for banning from NANOG, there is a message, purportedly from you : http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-discuss/2008-February/000890.html contains "So Harris banned me from NANOG." . Not sure if thats the meeting, the NANOG list, or one of the NANOG/Merit other lists. Also, in : http://www.iadl.org/nanog/nanog-story.html I see "So, effective May 4 2005, Harris again banned Anderson. Although the new "reformed" rules require a limit of 6 months, Anderson remains banned as of April 16th, 2006. It seems permanent." but I think that refers to another NANOG group, dnsop. Tuc/TBOH