In a previous message Per Gregers Bilse wrote:
jotun.EU.net% inic 134.222 European Unix Users Group (NET-EUNET-X25) Kruislaan 413 NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Netname: EUNET-X25 Netnumber:
We will leave this untouched for future generations to wonder about, especially the "X25" designation.-)
Aha, fond memories - I remember when we first replaced the UKC (became EUnet GB) UUCP over IPSS (BT's international X.25 service) to Eunet Central, in Amsterdam, with a custom built IP router which ran IP over that 9600 baud X.25 link. And that was a /24 subnet of - Almost ALL the UK's commercial email fitted on that link - it was approx December 1990 - and as IPSS is charged by the packet, email was charged by the Kilobyte for incoming and outgoing international mail Richard -- Richard Almeida email: rpa@insnet.net Technical Director phone: +44 181 296 9201 Internet Network Services Ltd fax: +44 181 296 9282 The Education Exchange Ltd (EDEX) mobile: /dev/null