Not that I'm trying to put words in your mouth, but I believe you meant suprnova.org which is a BitTorrent site (supernova.org is not a bittorrent site). Check out this link for a list of other BitTorrent sites and applications: http://kevinrose.typepad.com/kr/2004/07/darktip_the_bes.html -- Jeff Wheeler Postmaster, Network Admin US Institute of Peace On Sep 1, 2004, at 4:33 AM, David A. Ulevitch wrote:
<quote who="Roland Perry">
I have a solution, but it's expensive. A url for the whole 266MB download (and not the smaller selective download that Windows Update would provide). If anyone's that desperate, email me. I only used it after waiting a week with the "Automatic Updates" switched on, and nothing arriving.
Microsoft isn't hiding the link: http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6/5/165b076b-aaa9-443d-84f0 -73cf11fdcdf8/WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe
linked from: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/ winxpsp2.mspx (well, click "get the service pack" and then "download")
Just because sp2torrent.com is down doesn't mean the rest of the torrent world is. Supernova.org seems to have some links to an SP2 torrent or two.
as usual, ymmv, davidu
---------------------------------------------------- David A. Ulevitch - Founder, EveryDNS.Net http://david.ulevitch.com -- http://everydns.net ----------------------------------------------------