I know Bryant Townsend (ex staminus employee), Marshal Webb (aka m_nerva, lulzsec informant) and others from backconnect.net performed a similar BGP hijacking against staminus earlier this year. https://bgpstream.com/event/21051 Shortly afterwards, on 10th of march a zine is released leaking the Staminus user database and contents of several customer servers. The times aren't the only interesting factor here, even the format of the release just screams m_nerva. Zines are very rare these days. So rare in fact that the last similar zine before the staminus hack was released in 2013 by HTP, a hacker group m_nerva was loosely affiliated with during it's early days. I *strongly* believe Bryant Townsend and Marshal Webb hacked Staminus and produced the "Fuck 'em all." zine Sean Rose