Tivoli, Openview, Unicenter, ipmonitor, mrtg, nagios? There are many network monitoring options but each option has its pitfalls. I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that any software Computer Associates publishes is designed for the criminally insane. However, there 'has' to be something that offers more visibility into a major WAN than MRTG/RRDTOOL. Perhaps I'm on a Computer Associates rant today but can anyone share any positive experiences with E-trust intrusion detection? 5 MB of traffic flow paralyzes a dual P3 with gobs of ram and it still misses signatures that Snort does not miss. Originally I was going to blame this lousy performance on application tuning; however, it was a CA engineer that set this box up. Any IDS suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well. Regards, Christopher J. Wolff, VP CIO Broadband Laboratories, Inc. http://www.bblabs.com