On Thu, 7 Feb 2036, Bob Allisat wrote:
Mr. Vixie and his cohorts increasingly imagine themselves to be the final and ultimate arbiters in matters of Network integrity.
Actually, I think they imagine themselves as the folks who maintain a list of people who spam. What other people choose to do with that list is up to them. It just so happens that I trust their judgement on who happens to be a spammer, and thus reject messages sent to my system based on that.
renegade mission of uncontrolled and arbitrary censorship.
Stop, you're killing me. I haven't laughed this hard in ages. You're talking about someone maintaining a listing of addresses which happen to be held by people who exhibit a particular characteristic. Do you have a problem with the ARIN or InterNIC whois databases? You should, by your logic; they maintain a detailed database of information on people who run networks. Someone might use that information in a bad way. Better stop them, too. As a matter of fact, any listing could be used in a manner which does not conform to the Allisat moral way. Better outlaw lists of things altogether. ...raving >mumble< >mumble<...
Maybe it is time to pull the plug on the ultimate plug pullers, black hole the black holers!
You're missing the point. Paul didn't pull the plug on people on my network. -I- did. If you have a problem with not being able to send mail to me, take it up with me, not Paul (unless you're planning on changing the behavior that caused you to be placed there originally). -I- chose to use his list, and prevent someone's email from traveling through systems I purchased and maintain. Paul Vixie didn't make me use his list. Brownie points for you if you can guess who did. -- Edward S. Marshall <emarshal@logic.net> /> Who would have thought that we -o) http://www.logic.net/~emarshal/ // would be freed from the Gates of /\\ Linux Weenie, Open-Source Advocate </ hell by a penguin named "Tux"? _\_v