On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:01:33 +0200, Meftah Tayeb said:
Good thinking mike i do have a VoIp carrier single homed with Cogent. any solution?
Sure. Make sure you have alternate plans for when Cogent gets into another peering tiff. Not *if*, but *when*. And you probably want to have a long, detailed, technical discussion with your Voip carrier about what *they* intend to do when Cogent gets into a peering tiff. And while you're at it, see if you can find out what *other* surprises their network design has in it - I'm willing to bet a large pizza with everything but anchovies that "single homed with Cogent" is *not* the only massive deficiency in their network - it's probably the equivalent of finding a brown M&M backstage at a Van Halen concert... (Yes, there's corner cases where "single homing to a Tier-1" makes business sense, if the pipe is really cheap and you can survive the revenue hit caused by a routing/peering spat. I don't think "VOIP carrier" is one of those corner cases)