... A web site like arxiv is good for some stuff. But -- should there be a link from nanog.org to operational content? Should nanog.org have its own archive? Should there be a peer review process? If not, what should the criteria be for an "official" note of the paper?
--Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb
i wouldn't want to see a full academia-style peer review process, since that problem is pretty well solved elsewhere, and we're not having that problem. but a nanog-style peer review process, where the nanog-pc acts as the judge of how a technote was received by the mailing list, might work. such that if nanog-pc puts their stamp of approval on it, the connotation would be "more than one set of eyes has been laid on this, and it's not totally worthless." i say nanog-like because it's a new trail to blaze based on nanog's culture which, while often hard to cope with, has some innovative, genuine strengths.