Aloha, I am trying a somewhat broad aproach this time. My first message to nanog was returned from some bbn planet site.. Patrick J. Chicas, CIO * Hawaii OnLine * Hawaii's Statewide Internet Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.aloha.net http://www.planet-hawaii.com http://www.aloha.net/~pjc ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 14:51:26 -1000 (HST) From: Patrick J. Chicas <pjc@aloha.net> To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Info Aloha, Could you provide information on the NANOG group for my clarification, i.e. purpose, objectives, next meeting? Mahalo Patrick J. Chicas, CIO * Hawaii OnLine * Hawaii's Statewide Internet Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.aloha.net http://www.planet-hawaii.com http://www.aloha.net/~pjc