On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Manu Chao <linux.yahoo@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to design VSS LACP based MECs with ESX hosts. Does VMware ESX support LACP?
No, ESX does not support the LACP protocol for control and negotiation of link aggregation. Should you want link aggregation, and the default load balancing operation of ESX does not meet requirements, it is possible to use a statically configured aggregation in non-negotiated ("on") state; or a third party solution. The standard way to load balance NICs in ESX, is to just plug in additional NICs to the same network, add the extra pNICs to the same vSwitch, and have all NICs in 'active' mode. The default operation is Load balancing based on Originating vSwitch port ID. That is, every time a new vNIC is connected to the vSwitch, it is assigned a port ID, which can be used to distribute outgoing traffic from the the vNICs among the pNICs, so individual VMs can be load balanced.
Do we need Nexus 1000 for ESX LACP support?
The Nexus 1000v for ESX has LACP as a supported feature. The Nexus 1000v is one third party solution for VS link aggregation for Enterprise Plus ESX environments that use the VDS feature. VDS is a lot of complexity and expense to add, just to tick a "LACP Support" checkbox, however; if you don't also need its other features.... -- -JH