Well, the current nanog MLC is mostly because Susan Harris was cracking down equally on discussions of anything mail / spam filtering related (operational not kooky) .. in fact, on anything that didnt involve pushing packets from A to B. And we have Marty Hannigan from the MLC telling us that operational mail / spam filtering issues are perfectly on topic. New list not particularly necessary I think .. but sure, a spam or mailops bof at nanog would be a good idea. I (or well, APCAUCE) have been running a spam conference track at APRICOT for the past few years now .. srs On Oct 30, 2007 11:02 PM, Al Iverson <aiversonlists@spamresource.com> wrote:
I would support the creation of a mail-operators list (& agenda time for a mailops bof, since a lot of networks are small enough to mean that netops and sysops are often the same guys) if it's deemed to be offtopic on nanog-l.
I have a sinking fear it'll be overrun with loud people who aren't actually responsible for anything more than a single IP at most, like SPAM-L, but I suppose it's worth a shot.