If you limit each requesting organization to a /22 per year, we can keep the internet mostly functional for decades to come,
at least in the ripe ncc service region, all this proved was that if the cost of registering a company (or LIR) and applying for an allocation was lower than the market rate of ipv4 addresses, then people would do that.
The root problem is unavoidable: ipv4 is a scarce resource with an inherent demand. Every policy designed to mitigate against this will create workarounds, and the more valuable the resource, the more inventive the workaround.
and complex policies lead to more complex workarounds which make the internet crappier
In terms of hard landings vs soft landings, what will make ipv6 succeed is how compelling ipv6 is, rather than whether someone created a policy to make ipv4 less palatable. In particular, any effect from a hard landing compared would have been ephemeral.
amen randy