8 Jul
8 Jul
3:04 a.m.
Nothing new here, but just an FYI -- I figured some of you might want to be aware new pressures being exerted in the CALEA arena. Via C|Net. [snip] The FBI has drafted sweeping legislation that would require Internet service providers to create wiretapping hubs for police surveillance and force makers of networking gear to build in backdoors for eavesdropping, CNET News.com has learned. [snip] More: http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-6091942.html - ferg p.s. When did the FBI start drafting legislation? ;-) -- "Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson Engineering Architecture for the Internet fergdawg(at)netzero.net ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/