Smokeping (http://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/) can graph DNS response latency via dig. ThousandEyes (https://www.thousandeyes.com/) has some commercial options for monitoring DNS server responsiveness, and zone performance from different vantage points throughout the globe. On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Zayed Mahmud <zayed.mahmud@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello! This is my first message to NANOG's mailing list. I hope someone can help me.
I was wondering which tool(s) can I use to measure the performance of my 3 DNS servers (1 primary, 1 secondary, 1 solely cacheDNS)? From the stats I would like to know if my DNS server is serving as it should be or if any of it's options are set inappropriately and others alike.
I looked for a while but could not find any. Any help would be highly appreciated. I am running bind9 on UNIX platform.
Question 2) I would also like to know how can I graph my DNS logs? And how can I integrate it to my CACTI server as well? I couldn't find any suitable plugin. Any suggestion?
-- Best Regards,
*Zayed Mahmud*
*Senior Core & IP Network Team,*
*Banglalion Communications Limited, Bangladesh.*