Elliott Karpilovsky wrote:
Hello everyone. My name is Elliott Karpilovsky, a student at Princeton University. In collaboration with Alex Gerber (AT&T Research), Dan Pei (AT&T Research), Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University), and Aman Shaikh (AT&T Research), we studied the extent of IPv6 deployment at both global and local levels. Our conclusions can be summarized by the following three points:
1.) IPv6 deployment is not seen as a pressing issue. 2.) We saw a lack of meaningful IPv6 traffic (mostly DNS/Domain and ICMP messages), possibly indicating that IPv6 networks are still experimental. 3.) Studying Teredo traffic suggested that it may be used for NAT busting by P2P networks.
Our paper (submitted and presented at PAM 2009) can be found at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~elliottk/ipv6study.html . If you have comments or feedback with respect to these results, please feel free to express them.
Nasty comment time... "To analyze native IPv6 traffic, we use Netflow records collected from an IPv6 Internet gateway router in a US tier-1 ISP with 11 IPv6 BGP neighbors. These records were collected from 2008-4-1 to 2008-9-26, and are taken from the business customers. " Sorry to have to make this comment, but the IPv6 side of the Internet is quite a bit larger than "11 peers". I don't really think that AT&T can call themselves a "tier-1 ISP" on the IPv6 field (they can on IPv4), especially as there are these wonderful give-aways as using OCCAID as a transit: [..] 7 fr-par02a-re1-t-2.ipv6.aorta.net (2001:730::1:2d) 51.944 ms 51.596 ms 51.915 ms 8 uk-lon01a-re1-t-1.ipv6.aorta.net (2001:730::1:2a) 60.802 ms 61.405 ms 61.498 ms 9 ibr01-ve26.lndn01.occaid.net (2001:7f8:4::7577:1) 37.941 ms 37.797 ms 37.88 ms 10 bbr01-p1-0.nwrk01.occaid.net (2001:4830:fe:1010::2) 106.622 ms 106.538 ms 106.701 ms 11 r1.mdtnj.ipv6.att.net (2001:4830:e2:2a::2) 145.847 ms 145.762 ms 146.049 ms 12 2001:1890:61:9017::2 (2001:1890:61:9017::2) 222.045 ms 222.694 ms 223.185 ms 13 mail.ietf.org (2001:1890:1112:1::20) 221.683 ms 221.66 ms 222.839 ms Heck, I can't find a single ISP in GRH with which I can reach AT&T (where eg www.ietf.org is currently in) from Europe directly. Unfortunately, I will have to state that that thus completely makes that whole paper useless as the data is used is just that: useless. I really really really hope that AT&T finally realizes that they have to start deploying IPv6. When they have done that, re-run your "study" and then release those numbers as then they will maybe be interesting when there are actual customers on the links. Greets, Jeroen