-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- JimL; At 02:39 PM 12/27/97 -0800, Network Operations Center wrote:
Hello Karl & All, Where or at what price are these tools available.
MCI's tracing tool, DoSTracker, is available- free of charge - at MCI's Security Web site; http://www.security.mci.net/dostracker . Please let me know if you have ANY problems with it. Keep in mind that it was designed with specific operating conditions in mind; mostly that you'll need a tool of this nature to trace denial of service attacks (of a wide variety) across a backbone that you own, in order to find it's ingress point. If you're a single-homed end customer (AND you have a small internal network), DoSTrack isn't going to be a very worthwhile tool for you.
Tia, JimL PS: In a further responce Karl was heard to say :
The bottom line is that MONTHS after these were made available your NOC
I never heard nor was made aware that these tools were available, even though I am an MCI Customer . :-(
Sorry - Identifying the specific and correct contact within all our end customers who would be interested in such a tool is a difficult task (and I don't make it a habit of sending unsolicited commercial email messages, even if they are to our customers :> ), which is why discussion lists of this nature where created, and DoSTracker was announced on this list. Feel free to visit; http://infopage.mci.net and http://www.security.mci.net, which should provide you the type of information you are looking for, and is regularly (?) updated. Dale "We all live in a Yellow Subroutine..." ================================================================ Dale Drew MCI Telecommunications Sr. Manager internetMCI Security Engineering Voice: 703/715-7058 Internet: ddrew@mci.net Fax: 703/715-7066 MCIMAIL: Dale_Drew/644-3335
On Sat, 27 Dec 1997, Karl Denninger wrote:
On Sat, Dec 27, 1997 at 01:24:05PM -0500, Reid B. Fishler wrote:
Just thought that I would post that as one of goodnet's larger customers (DS3), we are VERY satisfied with their NOC, as well as their service. Whenever I have a problem, I can get a member of the goodnet staff to respond quicker than my other upstreams...:-) (hint Sprint)
Reid Fishler Lightning Internet Services, LLC
Wait until you get smurfed and ask them to use the MCI-developed tracing tools and get a "duhhhhh" back in response.
They might have fixed this by now (since we bitched LOUDLY about this) but as of a few weeks ago the NOC had *no idea* how to trace this kind of activity - at all - nor any desire to learn.
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