In message <3B7360B4.71755CA7@deaddrop.org>, Etaoin Shrdlu writes:
mike harrison wrote:
FWIW, I just tried to telnet to the 20 most recent hosts I got Code Red II probes from, and didn't get a shell prompt on any of them. Are people cleaning up their boxes that quickly?
I have been told, but not personally conformed confirmed of non IIS machines being infected with CodeRed (I or II not known, assume II). Infection method: running an file from somewhere? They still scan out and seek victims, just no webserver running.
Spent nearly two days convincing someone who was managing a server that he was beating up machines all over the company. It finally took someone at close to VP level to get him to fix it. Last I heard, he was saying something on the phone like "Yes sir, you're right sir. Sorry sir." The thing that sucks is that he KNEW he couldn't be a problem, since he wasn't running IIS. I had the packet captures and obvious grabs for default.ida to prove it.
Believe it. I have at least three verified, and that was using web server logs they'd hit, and ethereal running on the openbsd machine in my office, which sits right next to the local building router. [Yes, it's true. IRL, I work for Big Company X.]
So -- if he wasn't running IIS, what was he running? --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb