I’ve been bitten by these sorts of issues before, so I tend to swap one OEM drive in every RAID-1 pair with a retail drive from (if possible) a different vendor. When I re-purpose servers, I try to use drives from two different vendors in each array. That way, if a drive barfs for any intrinsic reason, things keep working. This can impact performance, but is cheap insurance. paul
On Nov 26, 2019, at 3:45 PM, Patrick W. Gilmore <patrick@ianai.net> wrote:
I do not normally post about firmware bugs, but I have this nightmare scenario running through my head of someone with a couple of mirrored HPE SSD arrays and all the drives going POOF! simultaneously. Even with an off-site backup, that could be disastrous. So if you have HPE SSDs, check this announcement.
-- TTFN, patrick