At 4:32 PM -0400 8/13/07, Justin Scott wrote:
Do people really not plan that far ahead, that they need brand new domain names to be active (not just reserved) within seconds?
I can say from my experience working in a web development environment, yes. I can recall several cases where we needed to get a domain online quickly for one reason or another. Usually it revolves around the marketing department not being in-touch with the rest of the company and the wrong/misspelled domain name ends up in a print/radio/tv ad that is about to go to thousands of people and cannot be changed. We end up having to go get the name that is in the ad and get it active as quickly as possible.
Been there. But it's rare enough in real life that I'd happily waive the right for full refund return for immediate domain publishing. Maybe marketing would learn to spell after a few costly mistakes. Any other domain registrations getting a 3 day wait before publishing can have a more lenient return policy, maybe with a small processing fee. That's not unreasonable, and has something for the registrars. And grandma would be able to correct her typo, and the regstrars would have time to check grandma's credit card, since she's so typo-prone.
Personally I'm all for things working as quickly as possible, and I'm all for being able to "return" a domain within a reasonable time if needed. Perhaps it would be better to allow for domain returns, but shorten the time limit to 24 hours. That should be long enough to catch a typo, but too short to be much use for traffic tasting.
-Justin Scott | GravityFree Network Administrator
1960 Stickney Point Road, Suite 210 Sarasota | FL | 34231 | 800.207.4431 941.927.7674 x115 | f 941.923.5429 www.GravityFree.com
-- Ken Eddings, Hostmaster, IS&T, eddingsk@apple.com, eddingsk@mac.com Work:+1 408 974-4286, Cell: +1 408 425-3639, Fax: +1 408 974-3103 Apple Computer, Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, M/S 60-MS Cupertino, CA 95014 The Prudent Mariner never relies solely on any single aid to navigation.