26 Jun
26 Jun
7:57 p.m.
On Tue, Jun 26, 2018, at 20:23, Job Snijders wrote:
I'm very happy FranceIX apply filters - however Bitcanal is known to submit fabricated/falsified IRR information to databases like RADB and RIPE. I've reported this multiple times over the years to IRR database operators.
In conclusion in the case of Bitcanal, most of your filtering is useless (and so is mine). Participants like Bitcanal dillute the value of your route servers and the IXP as a whole.
I can confirm that this mornig (~09h30 CEST, when I read the first message in the thread) there were no BitCanal announces received from FranceIX Paris RS. Not even the ones with an IRR record (the ones in 213/8). All of them were from transit.