The NANOG Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the following community members have been appointed to serve on the respective NANOG committees listed below:
NANOG Scholarship Committee:
Bryan Brooks Craig MacKinder
Tom Daly Alankar Sharma
New! NANOG Education Committee:
Hosein Badran Ron Kovac
Michael Costello Reddy Urimindi
Paul Ebersman
New! NANOG Mentorship Committee:
Ron Grant Matthew Petach
Wendy Leedy Reddy Urimindi
NANOG Program Committee (PC):
Melchior Aelmans Marlin Martes Kat Ronay
Jeff Bartig Steve Meuse Alankar Sharma
Tom Beecher Stevan Plote Yordan Sutanto
Omkar Bhalekar Jingjing Ren Anna Valsami
Hao Fu Matt Ringel Michael Voity
Alex Latzko
We’d also like to give special recognition and thanks for the many contributions made by the PC alumni whose terms ended in December 2020:
Adam Davenport Greg Hankins
Steve Feldman Brad Raymo
As an organization, NANOG was founded by volunteers who developed a quality forum for North America’s operator community. Despite the growth in NANOG’s programs, volunteers greatly outnumber professional staff, and the volunteer-only PC is wholly responsible for soliciting, developing, and selecting all program content presented at NANOG meetings and other events. NANOG volunteers and community participation are instrumental in our continued growth and success, and we thank everyone for their ongoing support and involvement.
To learn more about how you can get involved, including how you submit talk ideas for NANOG 82, please visit:
On behalf of the NANOG Board of Directors we wish to personally congratulate and thank each of these individuals for their commitment to serve. We also wish to recognize and thank all of our nominees, including everyone who participated in the nomination process.
Tina Morris
Chair, NANOG Board of Directors