: "Hire, Ejay" <Ejay.Hire@Broadslate.net> writes: : : > In our next episode of Militant dictator How-to, we'll show you how to : > upgrade an antique scud missile to with a guidance system capable of 3-meter : > accuracy for less than $500.00 per unit.. Stay tuned! : : Somehow, I find it difficult to believe I'm dignifying this with a : response (much less a public one), but here goes: : : Every commercial GPS unit that I have ever seen has a speed which, if : exceeded, will cause the unit to shut down (usually until : power-cycled). It varies from unit to unit, but in every observed : case was substantially (several times) less than the speed of such : weaponry in flight. There's also acceleration/decceleration effects: in a missile that goes from zero to 'sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln!!!' in less than the time it takes to send a content-free post to NANOG, a commercial (off-the-shelf) GPS won't last til the projectile reaches max V. : Resist the cycle of content-free posts to NANOG... =-) Peace, Petr -- Systems, Networks and Gadgets, done with Artful Intelligence -<>-<_>-<__>-<_>-<>- Policy: ASCII/text attchmnts alway read. PDF maybe read. Others, by necessity, may be ignored. Don't take it personally, it's a time issue.