On Feb 23, 2024, at 20:32, William Herrin <bill@herrin.us> wrote:
The relay server `dhcplb` could, maybe, help in that scenario (dhcplb runs on the anycast IP, the “real” DHCP servers on unicast IPs behind dhcplb).
Although they used the word "anycast", they're just load balancing.
The idea is to run the relays on an anycasted IP (so the load balancer / relay IP is anycasted).
[….] Relying on ECMP for anycasted DHCP would be a disaster during any sort of failure. Add or remove a single route from an ECMP set and the hashed path selection changes for most of the connections.
Consistent hashing (which I thought was widely supported now in ECMP implementations) and a bit of automation in how announcements are added can greatly mitigate this. Ask