On 7/26/13 8:32 AM, Joel M Snyder wrote:
I also don't see the problem of cold calling when it's obviously for a service or product that I am interested in, just as I don't see the problem of cold snail-mailing for the same services. I'm in business, and I expect other businesses to try and market to me.
I have a low tolerance for telemarketers, especially those who scrape technical lists or databases. One test I have is to immediately ask, "Is this a sales call?" Anything other than a forthright "Yes" gets nowhere. Weasel words don't count. If the first thing they tell me is a lie, I don't want to do business with them. If they're honest I might give them a minute or two to pitch their wares. It's surprising how people go out of their way to deny that it's a sales call, and then start trying to sell something. -- Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - jay@impulse.net Impulse Internet Service - http://www.impulse.net/ Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV