I know, it's not ideal, but then again I think there is some urgency in getting CIDR really off the ground by now...
I think this should be *strongly* encouraged. We should clearly steer away from search for an "ideal" solution, and rather focus on pragmatic considerations.
Agreed. I am trying to do some "structured pragmatic testing" now. SURFnet currently is announcing 192.87.108/22. Two out of the four Cs in this blocks are also explicitly annonced ( and, these are production nets). I currently have a box (my personal laytoy) running in and on the SURFnet backbone this network is routed. You can try to reach my box ( doing pings or traceroutes (only), I leave it on tonight, but please be gentle to the laptoy :-). I am currently trying to ping to lots of regionals out there and making a list out of the results. I hope to publish something for real on this tomorrow. Here is a first glance: NET ASN REGIONAL COUNTRY RESULT ------------ -------- -------------------- ------------- --------- AS372(?) NSN-AMES-AS(?) Japan Unreach AS372(?) NSN-AMES-AS(?) Australia Unreach AS1653 SUNET Sweden Reach AS559 SWITCH Switzerland Reach (*) AS714 APPLE-ENGINEERING-AS US Reach (*) Path from mentioned network to laptoy is though Washington2.Dante.net and icm-dc-1-E0.icp.net. __ Erik-Jan.