Maybe this analysis from BCR may be helpful. I've followed Sevcik for a long time and I've come to trust his sober approach in such matters. Of course, attempting to actually track bandwidth utilization, as opposed to simply the amount that is being made available - there is a gaping difference there - is another story, altogether. Interesting topic, though. http://www.bcr.com/bcrmag/2001/01/p10.asp This site at ATT Research is somewhat surprisingly candid, and in depth,, as well. Enjoy. http://www.research.att.com/~amo/doc/networks.html ------Original Message------ From: Sudheer Dharanikota <sudheer@nayna.com> To: nanog@merit.edu Sent: May 22, 2001 9:00:37 PM GMT Subject: Reference to the internet traffic growth Could somebody point me to a well respected referece on the Internet traffic growth trends. Thank you for the help. Regards, sudheer