I am under the impression that the 208/8 network has not yet been assigned to anyone. It appears we are only up to 207.19/16.
However, as someone (Avi?) pointed out earlier:
| Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path | *>i208.0.1.0 1 50 0 3561 1280 3847 ? | *>i208.0.4.0 1 50 0 3561 1280 3847 ?
Well, it looks like a fat finger to me...I see that 207.0 - 207.3 is assigned to MCI. I'll be the client was allocated these out of 207 instead of 208, and just mistyped them. Dave -- Dave Siegel President, RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. (520)623-9663 Network Engineer -- Regional/National NSPs (Cisco) dsiegel@rtd.com User Tracking & Acctg -- "Written by an ISP, http://www.rtd.com/~dsiegel/ for an ISP."