Scott Weeks wrote:
--- streiner@cluebyfour.org wrote: ------------- From: "Justin M. Streiner" <streiner@cluebyfour.org>
Note that telcos are not immune to shoddy cabling/installation work.
http://www.cluebyfour.org/~streiner/mbr-pop-2000-ladder.JPG ----------------------------------------------------
Do that at the telco in Hawaii and you won't be working here very long. ;-) The installation work and wiring here is something to swoon over.
One of the stranger things a field tech of ours encountered wasn't necessarily bad wiring (although it's not great), but the fact that the demarc was located next to the toilet in the bathroom. Naturally, the constant humidity caused bad corrosion problems and other issues with their telco services. :) So as a general rule of thumb, avoid putting your telco and/or network gear next to the crapper or the services the equipment is meant to provide might also stink. http://users.tellurian.com/vabello/bathroom-demarc.jpg -- Vinny Abello Network Engineer Server Management vinny@tellurian.com (973)300-9211 x 125 (973)940-6125 (Direct) PGP Key Fingerprint: 3BC5 9A48 FC78 03D3 82E0 E935 5325 FBCB 0100 977A Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection http://www.tellurian.com (888)TELLURIAN "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear" -- Mark Twain