You are invited to attend the Merit NSFNET Technical Seminar, to be held September 21 and 22, 1992 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Enclosed at the end of this note is the agenda. Please note that we are still confirming some of the panelists and we may be adding another topic. You will be receiving a final agenda down the road abit. As an added feature this time around we will be providing a box lunch from Ann Arbor's famed Zingermans deli. However, because of this it is extremely important for all who plan on joining us for lunch to RSVP *before* Wed September 16th. To RSVP send your confirmation to nsf-seminar@merit.edu along with the following pieces of information. -Will you need access to the Internet while here? -Do you plan on driving to Merit (ie: do you need a University of Michigan parking permit)? -Will you be partaking in lunch with us on Monday? -If yes to lunch, do you want vegetarian? (The vegetarian lunch we are ordering contains cheese. Let me know individually if your diet can not accomodate this.) Please note that registration will take place between 9am and 9:45am on Monday, with coffee, donuts, muffins, etc. being served during this time. For those not attending the sessions on Monday morning you may register as you arrive. Allow extra time for this. Here are two suggestions for housing in the Ann Arbor area. The Campus Inn is located about a block from the University's main campus and is very close to both city and campus bus lines. The Red Roof Inn is located near the highway leading from the airport and near Merit, but is not located on any city or campus bus lines. Red Roof Inn 800-874-9000 for reservations ------------ located at 3621 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, Michigan The cost of a single is $35.99, a double $39.99 We have reserved 10 singles and 10 doubles for Sunday and Monday nights only (the 20th and 21st) 800-666-8693 for reservations outside of the 313 area Campus Inn 313-769-2200 for reservations within the 313 area ---------- Located at 615 E. Huron Ann Arbor, Michigan The cost of a single is $73, a double $85. We have 20 rooms reserved for Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. Take heed, there is a home UofM football game on Saturday Sept 19th (against Oklahoma State for the football fans amoung you). Thus if you wish to book a room at a hotel other than the two above or for Saturday night you should do so early. Directions will be sent out in a seperate message. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by phone or by sending email to nsf-seminar. Sincerely, Sheri Repucci Merit/Internet Engineering (313) 936-2085 or 936-3335 AGENDA - Merit NSFnet Regional Meeting ==================================================================== Monday Sept 21, 1992 -------------------- 9:00-9:45 Registration & Continental breakfast 9:45-10:00 Opening remarks (Repucci/Merit) 10:00-10:45 Merit/ANS Organizational Restructuring (Knopper/Merit) 10:45-11:15 ANS on the Merit/ANS Organizational Restructuring (Becker/ANS) 11:15-11:30 Short break 11:30-12:30 Dismantling of the T1 backbone (Knopper/Merit) 12:30-1:45 Lunch (provided for rsvp'ers) 1:45-2:30 Criteria for Future Internet Protocol Architecture (Cerf/CNRI) 2:30-2:45 short break 3:45-5:00 Long Term Architecture Options - Panel Discussion Moderator (Cerf/CNRI) 7:00pm-?? Social gathering at Paesano's Restaurant 9:30pm-?? Whirlyball olympics Tuesday Sept 22, 1992 --------------------- 9:30-10:00 Continental Breakfast 10:00-11:00 Route Server/Network Access Point Experiment (Yu/Merit) 11:00-11:45 Routing Stability Monitoring & Statistics Collecting on the NSFNET backbone (Chen/Merit) 11:45-12:00 Closing remarks (Repucci/Merit)