John, On Apr 19, 2011, at 9:36 AM, John Curran wrote:
There are already two "address registrars" and at least 5 (6 if you count IANA) address whois databases. I expect there to be more in the future, particularly now there is an existence proof that you can sell addresses and the Internet doesn't explode. How does transfer of number resources within a region imply additional whois databases?
Hint: Add % whois -h whois.depository.net to the list I provided you in the previous message. Or are you implying that ARIN and the other RIRs are committing to synchronizing their databases with alternative address registrars as they become established?
What venue do you propose for a global consultative action to be taken in an open, transparent, an unbiased manner? I've suggested ICANN, IGF, or the RIRs...
I find ARIN's new found interests in engaging in ICANN-related processes heartwarming given my past experiences, but I suspect both the ICANN and RIR venues would be somewhat biased against changing the status quo. As for the IGF, my perhaps mistaken perception is that it has a slightly different focus than dealing with the operational implications of the proliferation of alternative address registrars. The main problem is one of timeliness. I doubt the market is going to wait for IGF, ICANN, or even RIR processes. But we'll see. Regards, -drc