From: "Dave Crocker"
The goal is to obtain a coherent recommendation that is acceptable to the Ops and the Email communities.
Email communities? You can't even get people to do proper reverse or secure open relays. A large section of the 'net isn't RFC compliant. Most servers are privately hacked so that no two are alike. And if an ISP is large enough and known for distributing information you don't want in your network, you're forced to accept it because your customers demand access to some of their customers. Most people are ill informed and have no conception of what the Internet is or how it works. Nor do they care. They just want to go access information from so and so site and don't care that the information they want forces you to allow traffic to pass between your network and a network that doesn't handle abuse@ complaints, keeps a poor rwhois database, allows customers to be signed up with falsified POCs for IP assignment as well as domain assignment, and trashes your servers with garbage such as spam knowingly. A community would imply people of like mind and collaboration. Yet it is the people who know the least that are making the demands. -Jack