rob] Well, we're filtering them. :) rob] RobS rob] rob] alan] Is anyone filtering these routes? From a customer perspective, I think alan] it would be nice if my providers would do so. alan] alan] Or maybe these guys would filter them:
] Ah, but what happens when the NIC starts allocating out of 208/8? ] Avi
Uhm, take the filters out?
That was ans that responded. The filtering he's refering to is the RADB, obviously, which is an easy filter to fix, if you know what you're supposed to do with it. ;-) Dave -- Dave Siegel President, RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. (520)623-9663 Network Engineer -- Regional/National NSPs (Cisco) dsiegel@rtd.com User Tracking & Acctg -- "Written by an ISP, http://www.rtd.com/~dsiegel/ for an ISP."