I asked for this and was treated like a complete idiot. There are a lot of small blocks in legacy space that I'd like to see some system for transferring between small guys who never used them and small guys who desperately need PI space for multihoming. Using DNS TTL fields is just ridiculous when there are much better technical solutions like, uh, BGP.
BGP isn't better. You don't need BGP for multihoming. My SF NANOG talk was on exactly this topic. If you get a little bit of PA space from each provider, and run a multihomed server (or a whole pile of them) with the "interface default" mods we made available, you don't need BGP at all. ftp://ftp.vix.com/pub/vixie/ifdefault/ is the place to look for this. I just stuck a copy of my SF NANOG slides in there (SOB, please take note!)
A lot of people I know don't need /19s and don't want to waste the space (people have already mentioned this). Also, there is no incentive for returning IPv4 space if you know it'll just sit idle anyway.
Sure there is. It's called "not fouling your own nest." If you're not using it, and it's too small to be routable by modern providers, then you should give it back and let someone else try to aggregate it.