On 9/16/14 10:45 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
On 9/16/14 8:26 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
What kind of timeframe would a new ccTLD for a major country roll out on?
that could be several quite distinct questions:
1. assuming that the "aye" vote prevails, in what quarter will the iso3166/ma issue the relevant update, allocating a code point to the new political jurisdiction?
2. assuming the iso3166/ma issues the relevant update and code point, when will the new political jurisdiction designate a registry operator?
3. assuming new political jurisdiction designates a registry operator, when will the root zone publisher delegate the code point to the operator designated by the new political jurisdiction?
4. assuming the root zone publisher delegates the code point to the operator, when will the operator "go live", and what, if any, "stages of" or "restrictions on" access will the operator exercise subsequent to that point in time?
FWIW (and despite my participation in the thread) all of this speculation is worthless, in case anyone is keeping score at home. :) Meanwhile, it's probably worth pointing out that while Eric has the rough outline of the process correct above, by no means do all of those steps have to occur serially. OTOH, there is no accounting for how quickly or slowly any of them will occur. There are also numerous possible entanglements at each step, so really, the speculation is worthless. :) Doug