On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Anne Marcel Roorda wrote:
Getting the person announcing this block to open a ticket with the NOC and including your contact details, as well as a clear description of the prolem would have been my first suggestion.
From the sounds of it there was a problem getting hold of the person announcing the netblock to uunet.
Not to mention how are you going to contact these people anyway? Remember you are going from Noc to Noc, so you shouldn't be ringing them directly. Seriously if somebody on the other side of the world started advertising our networks (yes it has happened) I would contact them directly. Real life example: We currently advertise (under our AS) a /24 out of a larger block belonging to a German University and route it to some customer in Australia. It seems that when a professor moved to Australia he was allowed to take the network with him (we queried this a lot when it first showed up). What happens if/when the University wants their network back and can't contact the professor? Should they bounce their request through half a dozen totally unrelated providers or just email/phone us? The University know we are the problem and our contact details are easy to find. Why should they go through half a dozen companies that have nothing to do with what is going on just to contact us? Lets pretend for some reason that I start advertising an important network of yours (half your mail servers or your biggest customer). Are you really going to tell your boss that you are not going to ring me directly but are instead going to go through 5 disinterested 3rd parties to get to me? Is you boss going to accept this may take a few hours/days or is he instead going to just call us directly himself and then fire you? -- Simon Lyall. | Newsmaster | Work: simon.lyall@ihug.co.nz Senior Network/System Admin | Postmaster | Home: simon@darkmere.gen.nz ihug, Auckland, NZ | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz