In January of 1991 Sprint entered into a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation to provide International Connections Management (ICM) to NSFNET. The international network service is called ICMnet. As part of the Sprint Team Cornell University provides the ICMnet Network Operations Center (NOC). Sprint and Cornell University have mutually agreed to the transfer of NSF ICMnet NOC duties to the SprintLink Public Data Internet (PDI) NOC. Sprintlink, which provides "acceptable use" and "commercial" nationwide IP routing services, is now operational. The consolidation of ICMnet functions with SprintLink will streamline operations and eliminate duplication of effort. The precise cut-over schedule, points-of-contact list and other associated information will be distributed within two weeks. Cut- over of individual links is tentatively scheduled for mid May. I would like to thank Cornell University for their hard work and superior performance. Their dedication has yielded an international network with an enviable record for availability and stability. In particular, I would like to recognize Mark Oros for his focused efforts in implementing a well-managed, responsive NOC. If there are any questions concerning the transition please use the following. Bob Robert D. Collet Principal Investigator, NSFNET International Connections Manager Sprint Government Systems Division 13221 Woodland Park Road Herndon, VA 22071 USA Mail Stop: VAHRNA604 Tel: +1-703-904-2230 Fax: +1-703-904-2119 e-mail: rcollet@sprint.com rcollet@icm1.icp.net