On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 09:35:51AM -0700, darkuncle@darkuncle.net said: [snip]
There is a difference between what's legally acceptable and what's ethical or even prudent.
One thing that I may not have made clear: I am not saying port scanning is necessarily unethical or foolish at all times, or that it has no place in the network operator's toolkit. It obviously does. However, scans tend to be a very reliable precursor to malicious activity. Perhaps a graduated landmine response that first mails the technical contact for the netblock in question after a certain threshold has been crossed, and then a blackhole after the next threshold is crossed (assuming no response from the contact attempt). -- Scott Francis darkuncle@ [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t Systems/Network Manager sfrancis@ [work:] t o n o s . c o m GPG public key 0xCB33CCA7 illum oportet crescere me autem minui