From: bjp@sura.net To: mak@merit.edu, regional-techs@merit.edu
Is there a reason why complete information is in the ENSS rather than the CNS S? My understanding of the agreement is that it is for the benefit of ANSnet and the CIX, so why should the regionals have to adjust the way they are set up? I'm not just saying this to be contrary (Honest). I am really interested in knowing why this method was chosen. As others have pointed out it move the burden of enforcing policy restriction to individual AS pairs. Comments?
Brad, You are correct that our interpretation of the AUP situation is that the burden is on the regionals/midlevels to enforce the policies as they apply to their institutions. This can be done by simply issuing a public statement to all users that people should only use the NSFNET for purposes of research and education. Or it can be done a bit more drastically by filtering out routes. The actual implementation of filters needs to be done in the regional's peer router when default routing is used. Does this help?
I am also interested in hearing what people pointing default at NSFnet plan to do?
Some are not going to filter at all, some are going to implement static routes to "black holes", and others have yet to talk to us.
Brad Passwaters (301)(982-3214) SURAnet Operations bjp@sura.net
<My name, my opinions.>