So in every case where NSI operates the host NS for COM, you should see that the serialization is correct. In those cases where a traditional root server still serves COM, should they get out of synch, our NOC contacts them to encourage resolution. However, as the host is not an NS operated by NSI, beyond encouraging them to fix the problem, there is little we can do. This is part of the reason for moving COM off of the traditional roots in just the same fashion as other first level delegations are managed today.
If we use history as a guide, the network-wide problems with DNS have usually been related to problems at the central source which were then copied out to the slaves. Problems with the slaves, although perhaps more frequent than we would like, have generally affected different slaves in different ways at different times. I'm a bit concerned when I read about a plan to install identical servers, with identical configurations, with identical software, connected to identical routers also with identical software and configurations, operated by a single human point of contact. Its bad enough all the roots use BIND. The lack of genetic diversity makes things very vulnerable to common errors.