rs@bifrost.seastrom.com ("Robert E. Seastrom") writes:
RBS is often run on B8ZS/ESF too.
The reason it is not commonly run on inter-office trunks is because of a remarkable new innovation called SS7. Perhaps you have heard of it.
Anyway, since the bits in robbed-bit signaling are "robbed" from the superframe not from your DS0, it is irrelevant to your throughput.
Uh, no. If robbed bit signaling is used, every single DS0 gets exactly one bit clobbered out of every six PCM samples (750us). Out of 24 frames (an "Extended Super Frame"), those four stolen bits form the familiar ABCD signaling pattern. (24 bit long pattern in the framing bit signals the synchronization of the 24 frame sequence so you can distinguish A from B, et cetera.) (Perhaps you're thinking of FDL, which is carried purely over the framing bit as a 4Kbps channel and doesn't affect any of the DS0s.) Dan Hollis originally posted:
Is there any way to determine if inter-telco links are using robbed bit signaling? Eg from GTE to USwest in the Seattle area.
I suspect RBS may be causing lots of v.90 problems in GTE country in Seattle. But id like to know how to confirm this. And just maybe, get it fixed.
I doubt strongly that RBS would be the problem, since V.90 is designed to work correctly with RBS channels. Two things to check: - If they're using channel banks between you and the customer's switch (like if they dropped you cheap T1s by putting them line-side on your switch, rather than trunk- side), then you lose. 24Kbps will be about the maximum. - Some misconfigurations will merely cause lots of errors and poor performance rather than abject failure. Check AMI versus B8ZS (look for coding violations), and check for clocking problems (extremely frequent slips noted by FDL). -- James Carlson, Consulting S/W Engineer <carlson@ironbridgenetworks.com> IronBridge Networks / 55 Hayden Avenue 71.246W Vox: +1 781 372 8132 Lexington MA 02421-7996 / USA 42.423N Fax: +1 781 372 8190 "PPP Design and Debugging" --- http://people.ne.mediaone.net/carlson/ppp