DATACOM, Ltd. (Data Communications Systems Co., Ltd.) has just brought up a 128 kbps satellite connection via PanAmSat into SprintLink (still waiting on the final SprintLink hookup and config for routing). Until the Internet connection is finished, they will still be doing UUCP dialup to IGC/APC in California. So, please do not inundate them with messages, just yet, as their phone bill will suffer. Anybody who knows of sources of calendars with an Internet theme is invited to send information to Dr. Enkhbat at [e-mail] address below. My guess is that he will use the calendars to let people know about his new service. And, please, take replies off-line, as this request is not on-target, at least not for nanog list. Thanks, Steve
From: enkhbat@magicnet.mn Date: Mon, 25 Dec 95 14:14:47 GMT Subject: Internet calendars To: sgoldste@nsf.gov
Do you know someone who can send for us calendars (desktop, for wall etc.) with nice pictures about the Internet ? I would like to buy 100-200 calendars and receive it via DHL.
Enkhbat D Dr. Dangaasuren ENKHBAT Director General DATACOM, Ltd. (Data Communications Systems Co., Ltd.) Negdsen Undestnii str. 49 Ulaanbaatar-46 MONGOLIA +976 1 312 063 +976 1 320 210 FAX e-mail: enkhbat@magicnet.mn
================================================================ Steven N. Goldstein , Ph.D. Program Director, Interagency & International Networking Coordination Div. of Networking and Communications Research & Infrastructure National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 1175 Arlington, VA 22230 USA Tel: +1-703-306-1949 (Extension 1119) FAX: +1-703-306-0621 sgoldste@NSF.GOV ================================================================