In message <529D9492.8020205@inblock.ru>, Nikolay Shopik writes:
On 03/12/13 02:54, Owen DeLong wrote:
I have talked to my bean counters. We give out /48s to anyone who wants them and we don't charge for IPv6 add ress space.
There is some ISP who afraid their users will be reselling their connectivity to other users around. While I didin't see that in years (probably last time in 2005) but still this exist in poor regions.
And if they didn't resell it they probably wouldn't have a customer in the first place. Unless you offer "unlimited" plans the ISP isn't losing anything here. The bandwidth being used is being paid for. If it isn't the ISP needs to adjust the price points to cover their costs rather than hoping that people won't use all of the bandwidth they have purchased. It's two maybe sales vs one confirmed sale. This is like the whole tethered debate. Why should the ISP care about which device the packets are source from. The customer is buying so many gigabytes of traffic a month. They should be able to use them anyway they see fit without actually breaking the laws of the land. I let my daughter's friends use the net at home here. If they burn through my monthly allotment well then I need to pony up more money or take a reduced service level until the month ends. It's none of my ISP's concern how the bandwidth I have purchased from them is being used. Note there really isn't unlimited. There is pipe width * 29-30 days of traffic. If you have purchased a "unlimited" service then you should be able to pull that amount of traffic without the ISP complaining.
Other than that, completely agree on /56y default and /48 on request, but most ISPs here are give-out just single /64.
Which is just plain stupid. -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org