At 1:20 PM -0500 1/18/98, Luke Parrish wrote:
Hey guys. Ran into a problem the other day. A customer of mine has a 100Mbit network, with 100Mbit hubs. They want ISDN access, so they hook a Pipeline 50 to their hub, dial it up, connect to the internet. But, hey nothing on the network can see it. Doh! I didnt think about the little 10Mbit into 100Mbit hub problem. I called Ascend and they said they do not have a router than can do 100Mbit yet, does anyone here know of an ISDN router that will support 100Mbit, or some kind of AUI transceiver that may go 10 to 100? Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Common problem. USR doesn't do it either. Get a small 10/100 switch that's per port switchable. Then you can hook up a few other things that may only do 10 Mbps. This will probably be an even bigger problem over the next few years at least with giga coming out. --Dean ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plain Aviation, Inc dean@av8.com LAN/WAN/UNIX/NT/TCPIP http://www.av8.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++