Sean/list, I was watching the news this morning re: This issue. A Pacbell spokesman was talking to a reporter and here is what he had to say ( My memory is a bit foggy) " Pac bell is also the victim here. We did not cause this. It was a private contractor that caused this ACCIDENT" At the point he said accident it sounded like he was getting ready to start yelling at the reporter. I just thought you all might find this funny.. Please no flames! PS: I am going to Vancouver BC on Thursday for a week. Anyone know anything fun to do in the area? Sean Donelan allegedly stated on 3/13/00 19:28:
I'm sure this has absolutely nothing to do with me moving to the San Jose area :-)
On friday a contractor cut four major Pacific Bell cables. About 11,000 circuits were affected. The affected area is roughly bordered by Interstate Highways 880 and 680 and Trimble and Berryessa roads. Pacific Bell estimates it won't have the cables repaired until Friday March 17.
One cable I can understand. Two cables, ok you didn't realize the first strange noise was a cable. Three cables, accidents come in threes. Four cables?
Thank you, Dan Bustillos Datalink Computer Services (530) 897-6400 (888) 327-4638 ******************* "First rule of Government Spending: Why build one when you can build two at twice the price"