On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Eric Lutvak wrote:
As far as bandwith, lets be totally realistic, Comcast is ultimately the controller of everything in and out of their network infrastructure right? Well um they control it.. so I think its stooped to block anything ,, I am all for letting people have what they pay for.. But... if comcast is going to be draconian about this,, then.. well if u don't like it go somewhere else.. Although I do hope that this does not become an alarming trend..
There are still many areas where cable is the only game in town (not including satellite, which has its own limitations) if you want broadband at home, so for those people there is no 'someplace else' to go.
Bottom line is, if it eats up bandwidth well cap the client/customer who may be offending.. or if that individual cannot exceed the allotted bandwidth, then I don't see the problem..
There has been lots of speculation on some of the broadband forums as to exactly what Comcast's policies are as far as how much bandwidth a cable modem subscriber can use before they are warned/capped/suspended. As far as I know, Comcast has been pretty much mum on the subject. It's hard for users to know if they're running afoul of Comcast's policies, legality issues aside, if Comcast won't say what the usage limits are. jms